Since 2003 Vlad+ has been certified according to DSTU ISO 9001:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) within the framework of the Ukrainian certification system (Ukrsepro). In 2012 Bureau Veritas granted quality management certification according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified by Bureau Veritas.
VLAD+ uses the principles of 5S for production planning and the organisation of processes and workplaces.
Please take a look at the available сertificates.
Audits by business partners and OEMs
In addition to the external auditors of Bureau Veritas, regular inspections and audits of the production facility by auditors of the German business partners confirm compliance with the high quality standards which are a prerequisite for suppliers of the European automotive industry.
In addition, Vlad+ regularly receives very good ratings from BMW, Scania, Skoda, Dr. Schneider, Kostal and TT electronics as part of production approvals or interim inspections by experienced quality experts from OEMs and other end users.
High staff qualification
The company has certified internal auditors in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 16949 standards.
Vlad+ provides regular external and internal training courses for staff development and to continuously ensure quality parameters.
Additionally, company employees receive regular training at our business partners in Ukraine and abroad.